Thursday, November 06, 2014

The Climate Crisis

When the Earth's atmosphere receives attention I would like the Dems and President Obama to consider the idea of 'Carbon Credits" with some degree of skepticism. It is a Wall Street solution for a planet. 

Australia is not finding success. Neither is New Zealand. True to form Wall Street doesn't alter it's activities or polluting, they simply purchase carbon credits and pass it on to the consumer. 

Now, a Carbon Credit is possible as an option for those so morally inclined. If a passenger wants to cover their travel by jet with morality in respect of Earth, that should always be an option. The same being true NGOs that seek to bring an impact to Earth's troposphere. That type of 'appreciation' of the problem should always be an option, but, to bring it as a 'carbon tax' to large polluters won't change anything. It will serve to create more burden on the consumer.

Carbon Credits have their place, but, frank regulation is the only method that will bring about compliance.

I suppose Wall Street and polluting industries can use Carbon Credits in lieu of regulation, but, they have to prove it is cutting pollution while preventing any cost being transformed into the consumer's burden. 

Carbon credits have to prove to be effective in balancing the pollution with absorption of CO2. Methane is not used by plants in respiration. Methane pollution has to be regulated. So, when a polluting company plans to use carbon credits instead of changes to meet regulation, it has to provide documentation that their pollution is then absorbed immediately or somewhere on Earth.

Utilities are the problem. Electricity is necessary by modern society in large amounts. If they use carbon credits in lieu of regulation they cannot pass the cost to the consumer. Then and only then will greenhouse gas pollution be the focus and reduced. 

Carbon capture? Sure. But where is the carbon disposed off after it is captured. There has to be documentation of carbon capture to PROVE it is not entering Earth's troposphere. Turning CO2 into dry ice is fine, but, what ultimately happens to the dry ice? Is it CONTAINED or is it returning ultimately to Earth's atmospheres? 

No cheating.

We have less than ten years to get this right.