Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Republicans are absolutely stupid when 'the greed' feels a need.

The Canadian Tar Sands is not about damn caribou. 

Canadian Tar Sands IS A WETLAND!

Canadian Tar Sands Reclamation

Only 0.15% (click here) of the area disturbed by oilsands mining is certified as reclaimed by the provincial government.

Oilsands reclamation will not return the boreal forest to its natural state.

Water capping of tailings waste through the creation of end pit lakes is an unproven method for reclaiming tailings waste.

Collection of financial security for oilsands mining reclamation, mandated under Alberta's Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, is intended to safeguard against Albertans paying for reclamation of oilsands mine but is inadequate and puts Albertans and Canadians at financial risk.

0.15% is as good as ZERO.

Republicans don't BELIEVE in science. Science is not about believing, it is however about KNOWING. The reason Republicans don't believe in science is because there should always be a NEGOTIABLE way to achieve their goal of taking money out of natural resources. Well, in the year 2014 and the CO2 content of the USA is 400 ppm, there is no more negotiations about the climate and developing more carbon fuels. 

Earth doesn't negotiate. 

Get used to that FACT!