Thursday, October 02, 2014

There are social issues that have been abandoned since 2008.

Some of those social programs are drug rehabilitation. They aren't programs that victimize a citizen and abandon them, they are program to improve quality of life.

Right wing politics addresses quality of life differently than most of the country. They address quality of life in dollar signs and a number of zeroes. The rest of the country recognizes certain problems that are social issues and the responsibility of government to move people out of poverty, crime and drug addiction.

Sometimes the greatest hurdle to a person seeking to move into the Middle Class is more than simply the building blocks of capitalism and work. A drug addicted person might be working a job that would qualify as the working poor, but, if they were able to nudge a bad habit, even cigarette smoking out of their lives their upward movement would be assured to them.

A carton of cigarettes depending on the state can cost upwards of $75.00 for ten packs. (click here) Generic can begin at $55.00. Depending on the habit that is anywhere from 3 cartons a month to 9 cartons per month. That is a lot of money, buy simply ending the smoking habit it puts hundreds of dollars back in the pocket of a consumer and provides for better upward movement to the Middle Class.

The social issues of the political right wing is about limiting behaviors that would normally contribute to a person being able to move into the Middle Class. Contraception for women provides a means to limit child bearing and therefore the monies spent to support children either single or married. That cuts the ability of the poor and working poor to change their circumstances.

Education has always been a huge issue for Democrats and Independents. Education is another rung on the ladder of movement upwards. Limiting the interest rate on educational loans is vitally important when one makes it through their program and begins work. The higher the interest rate they have to pay on their loans prohibits the purchase of a home in many instances.

Needle programs simply save lives. It also inhibits the spread of HIV and other blood borne diseases. It is simply the right thing to do. It provides an opportunity for social workers and/or health care professionals to interface with the members of our society that are addicted to substances. 

These programs are all important and require a commitment from legislators to make them happen through law and funding. In a year like 2008 came to be there is little tolerance for such social programs simply because the finances at the dinner table and with the government treasures are very different. But, when the country is recovering at a brisk pace as it has this year, that is the time for a country to recapture programs that remove poverty, addiction and quality education.

To some extent this year should be the year when social programs pursued by Democrats and Independents are revitalized and talked about with the electorate, but due to the difficult times of the country reaching back to the Iraq War we still haven't recovered the importance of strong social programs that provide for less poor and working poor. It is unfortunate the electorate seems to be grabbing onto faux priorities rather than tried and true remedies to improve the lives of our citizens.