Monday, September 29, 2014

Clapper needs to go.

He is a pathological liar. He has lied about the NSA policy and activities. Who can trust him?

September 18, 2014
WASHINGTON - James Clapper, (click here) the director of national intelligence, said Thursday that he did not lie to them about government surveillance last year when denied the U.S. was collecting data on millions of Americans in a hearing last year.
"It has been very disappointing to have my integrity questioned because of a mistake," Clapper told government officials and contractors at an intelligence summit in Washington sponsored by two major industry groups....
Clapper is a yes man. He says what no one else will say because it leads the "Political North Star" into invasive measures and into depths of war that is grossly unnecessary.

It doesn't matter that the Islamic State was misinterpreted. It was Clapper that did the misinterpretation and needs to go. 

The direction of the assault against the Islamic State is correct and the region is finding it's footing while the USA points the path that works. Degrading and defeating is what will be the victory the region is seeking. Degrading and defeating does not mean there has to be the deaths of 500 people per day, it means the Islamic State doesn't is exist and the region is secure.

As a matter of fact, given the ways deaths of Muslims results as a stronger plan of retaliation, degrading and defeating is exactly the best outcomes for the region.

Clapper has spent most of his career as the inner circle "Curveball."