Monday, August 25, 2014

Was it General Dempsey who stated ISIS/L is nothing like they have seen before in that they act as if a trained military.


That is because some of them were trained by USA military and/or NATO forces.

Like I said, ISIS/L is the newest warlord on the block. Don't understand what that means? Then you don't understand your battlefield. I think another expression is "Which ever way the wind blows so long as I have food on the table and am alive to enjoy it."

General Dempsey HAD to know as soon as he saw ISIS/L members pulling donuts in the streets with USA tanks there were DEFECTORS from Iraq into Syria and/or former homeland military that entered the fray on behalf of Allah. 

Now, go ahead and tell the USA citizens that driving a tank is simply a turn key operation that anyone could learn without killing everyone in the near vicinity. Go ahead. Honestly. I was born yesterday, too.

I would have given my chocolate ice cream sundae topped with walnuts, whipped cream and a cherry on a hot Sunday afternoon for the very moment the Joint Chiefs said, "Oh shit we trained those guys!"