Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The people of Iraq are not fighting ISIL. The Kurds are fighting ISIL.

We don't belong in Iraq.

We never did.

The USA military isn't going to fight ISIL in Syria. It would benefit ISIL to do so while unseating the only sovereign power that can thwart the Syrian civil war.

President Obama 'upped' the standard to conduct war. "Any American, Anywhere." That is not possible. A nation cannot protect every American in every nation of the world. The USA State Department issues warning to those traveling abroad. Some Americans ignore them, some travel in disbelief it will happen to them. Their capture is due to independent decisions and does not reflect the priorities of the Department of Defense.

Taking on the challenge of "Every American, Everywhere" is to lend the USA Department of Defense to religious missionaries. We aren't going to do that. Those that evangelize their religious preferences and 'feel the calling' abroad travel and engage citizens of other nations in hopes of changing their values do so at their own peril.

"Every American, Everywhere." Global police or worse. I can't imagine traveling to a hostile area of the world thinking every American is impervious to arrest, harm or death. That is a dreamscape and not reality.

The State Department has the infrastructure to return Americans home, not the DOD.