Wednesday, August 20, 2014

President Eisenhower warned about the abuse of power instilled by the USA military complex.

We should never forget how easy it is to go to war and all the reasons that can be given. We should also never forget how a global presence of the USA invites destructive economic importance of military hardware on countries threatened by the USA presence. The USA can deter expansionism, but, should never practice it. Our diplomatic missions must improve relations between the USA and other nations, not enhance the reason for war.

The Iraq War is case in point. To return to the same savage deaths of innocent citizens by some strange justification to do so using the USA military is no different than the belief and value system of the enemy themselves.

One of the reasons "W" used to justify his unleashing of war against Saddam Hussein was that he verbally threatened his father. That same set of values are used by the Neocons like South Carolina's Lindsay Graham, "They have stated they will attack the USA." 

You know Senator Graham should be sure the intelligence community is doing a good job. Senator Graham is using the same Culture of Fear that "W" and Cheney valued and coveted as their best control over the public for political purposes. We aren't those people anymore.

It is amazing how the Republicans will complain about the size and costs of government but will rush to scream bloody murder is about to occur if we don't deploy the troops and begin AGAIN the war that was never supposed to be fought in the first place.

Paul Revere rode through the colonies to wake the colonists to the advancing of a British military; maybe Graham should try a horse instead.

ISIL is a by product of the Iraq War. We aren't going to make it any worse than it already has become.

Let's put a few understandings here along with the fact a global expansion of extremism exists because of the very wayward war in Iraq spanning a decade.

Hegemony. The word was floated during the Iraq War and it still exists as a political strategy of the USA political right wing.

What the USA did to bolster and spread violent extremism globally.

1. Iraq became the focal point of an extremist movement that only resided in Afghanistan to that point. The invasion into Afghanistan was correct. It completely debased the terrorist movement of al Qaeda. Bin Laden was forced underground and retreated into Pakistan. But, the institution of war in Iraq was moral ground for al Qaeda to once again find support among otherwise moral young men. In other words, the war into Iraq demoralized, not just the American public but also the young Muslim men that realized it's injustice as time went on. The deaths of so many Iraqis turned the USA into a monster than a benevolent power.

2. Iraq never had any jihadist movement before the USA invasion. It has been argued although not scientifically measured (and quite frankly how would anyone do that without becoming a statistic) the war in Iraq not only provided a new jihadist movement which started as al Qaeda in Iraq and not consists of Nusra Front and ISIL, but, that members of other extremist groups began to join in with the efforts by jihadists in Iraq.

3. Unknown to Americans, Iraq became a strategic study by jihadist organizations to develop war techniques that worked against the USA military machine. And they carried out rather primitive but successful advancements in their methods. Road side bombs and the (IED) improvised explosive devise. The warring techniques of these organization while well funded at times by other sympathizers never achieved the sophistication of national military strength. Their violent regimes deter the support of national leaders, but, in the case of Nusra Front and others in the region the people within these countries do support their presence on their land. We have witnessed the election of the Muslim Brotherhood that then over played their hand and caused civil unrest again in Egypt only to return a military dictatorship to power.

The study and proof of al Qaeda to perfect their techniques was noted in a cashe of videos and intelligence papers found in Afghanistan by a CNN journalist. The idea extremist organizations seek to perfect their skills is proven beyond a doubt. The USA was very accommodating to that end in Iraq.

4. Jihadism came to maturity due to the Iraq War. While extremism provided to be limited in the world, the battlefield of these organizations now consider the Gulf nations and Europe a place where their methodology can be successful.

Jihadism isn't about overthrowing governments necessarily, it is about effecting elections/loyalty of people and we saw that occur in Spain after the Madrid bombings. There are more reasons to end Wall Street wars than begin them. And yes, Vietnam and Iraq are Wall Street Wars. Go ahead and say otherwise. The war into Iraq was a definitive defeat when in fact nation building doesn't work, but, only spends money.