Wednesday, April 16, 2014

NATO is correct. This chaos is all due to Russian's permission.

Would the USA toy with a sovereign nation and the safety of it's people?  Mine wouldn't. Maybe Bush's, but, not mine. No major nation, including all of NATO would ever toy with a country and it's people.

The USA media is treating this like, "Oh, oh, oh, look at the hideous nature of what is transpiring in Ukraine. Kiev actually think it is something." Well, grow up. The reason this chaos, unrest or anything else you want to call it is occurring is because Russia said to Crimea, "Come on down, the weather is great." That is a nation to be taken seriously on the world stage? No, it isn't.

Russia is escalating the tensions and fueling confrontation. GUILTY. The Ukraine was perfectly fine until Russia decided it had the right to slice and dice the country until it imploded and was cast into a third world status.

Russia has done nothing but created entangled fiscal webs to entrap nations into submissiveness. That is a credible power in the world? I think not.

Russia has done a complete 180 and holds the global community in contempt of it's priorities while it toys with a sovereign country and it's people. It is all brinkmanship. Russia is practicing brinkmanship in order to toy with the Ukraine on an ego trip it has greater power. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise.

Why does anyone expect Ukraine to be able to stand up to this disaster in leadership in Moscow? 

There is suppose to be an election. Does anyone think that is actually going to happen? 

Olga Rudenko
Special for USA TODAY 7:23 p.m. EDT 
April 16, 2014

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen (click here) urged Russia on Tuesday to "ease the pressure" in the Ukraine crisis by pulling back troops near the border. Video provided by AFP Newslook