Wednesday, February 12, 2014

"The Day We Fight Back"

Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)

If everyone wants a real reason for the NSA to stop their spying program than stage real opposition rather than a writing campaign to corrupted federal representatives that can't even pass immigration reform.

There is a concept whereby the entire world turns off their electricity for one hour per year. 

If everyone wants to end the NSA program, begin by setting a day and time and remove your devices SIM card for 60 seconds in unison. If that isn't enough then a month later make it 10 minutes in unison. If that doesn't work then make it an hour and so on and so forth.

Why will it work? Because the industry needs everyone that owns an electronic device with a SIM Card to use the service to make money. If the industry knows their customers are going to shut down their service and find other alternatives, then no one needs them anymore. The only reason the NSA spy program works is because consumers PAY for service and the NSA takes away their privacy rights that they paid for. When the SIM Card service ends in a large number of customers the NSA program ends.

Think about how completely stupid the NSA spy program actually is. The entire USA war against a "Global War on Terror" is banking on the SIM Card never being obsolete. The NSA and elected federal officials have spent billions on storage facilities and all the world's population has to do is to stop using their SIM Card and the national security of the USA ends with it. Billions upon billions of dollars of spending and in one second or as long as it takes to remove a SIM Card or take out a battery, the entire USA National Security ends.


"Mobile Phone & Smartphone Market Worth $341.4 Billion by 2015 - New Report by Marketsandmarkets (click here)

There is an entire global economy that runs because of SIM Cards. Now, we can shut down Wall Street and watch the DOW fall to about $10,000 at the very least within a day or in less time than that. There is something the Plutocrats and Washington, DC needs to understand and that is THEY DO NOT HAVE CONTROL. We have control and when we say stop spying then they need to stop spying.

Get your act together and end this stupid idea of national security.  

"It is okay right up to the point where it is not okay."

Don't ever forget those words. That is the CORE definition of power. It is a turning point when reached will remove power. It is the core belief of a revolution. It is the very defense of the common man, woman and child.