Tuesday, November 12, 2013

With all due respect, Former President Clinton is wrong.

I don't think he understands the law and the way it works. I am also a bit surprised his personal belief is to allow a young person to manipulate their best health care outcomes. They don't know the future. 

Bad things happen to good young people that for the most part are healthy. It is those instances where there is no way of knowing what is going to happen that will destroy a young person's life when they run up health care bills they can't possibly pay. It is a bad decision to allow people to manipulate the health care industry to seek some kind of financial advantage while compromising their best health outcomes. When young people fail due to bad outcomes they lose their perspective. That is my personal belief. I think it best if every young American has every advantage to grow their lives without adversity, including their health and financial status. 

What needs to occur here, which President Clinton is overlooking, is the fact American wages simply don't pay well in more cases than not. So, if young Americans believe they are challenged to pay the premium on a good health care insurance, it is time to examine the financial status of our people and not compromising their well being and best outcomes.

I believe President Obama recently clarified the words he spoke being used as a Republican campaign slogan. Quite innocently, he believed anyone could keep their health care as long as it passed all the requirements under the new law. His words were not in error. We have a democracy that counts on majority to determine outcomes. The fact of the matter is the majority of Americans will not have to change their policies. I find it oddly interesting President Obama spoke to the majority of Americans and not the extremes. Interesting, isn't it? That a President would seek to speak to the majority of Americans.