Friday, November 01, 2013

The media is suppose to teach as well as propagandize, but, teaching is boring and doesn't get ratings.

October 30, 2013
Posted by Amy Davidson

...There was something else (click here) that was scary, though. Obama also had to speak because of what he called the “latest flurry” in the news. It was a little more than that. He had to square something that he had repeated often and unambiguously—“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”—with the news that people are getting letters from insurance companies saying that their coverage was being cancelled because of the Affordable Care Act. Yesterday, NBC ran a report saying that millions of people would lose their existing coverage. Although the numbers are in dispute, this was not, as Jonathan Cohn and others have noted, a surprise to people deeply versed in the A.C.A. But it was for a lot of people who got those letters....

What President Obama should have said, as if I am someone to tell the President what to say, is "If you have a legal and not a substandard plan, you can keep your plan."

President Obama spoke extensively about the clarification needed regarding the hottest deception currently in the media. So, he is best to straighten it out and I think he did a great job of doing that. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is law. It doesn't permit substandard health insurance anymore. All the policies existing that are substandard will be cancelled. That was known a long time ago when the law was first written. That is a no brainer. 

The reason those policies are cancelled as of January 1, 2014 is because they are dangerous. They are dangerous for the people subscribing to them, the healthcare market and the fallout for the country in having to subsidize cheap health care insurance policies. 

Everyone in the country needs to get on board to a healthier tomorrow by subscribing to a qualified health care policy. Many of the states are having exceptional enrollments and much to their relief. Governors are happy they are getting the response knowing their citizens will no longer be a burden to the hospitals that STILL EXIST in the USA. If one recalls during the Bush Years hospitals closed at record rates. That is not a good thing. With The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act all patients are covered by qualified policies and hospitals will not have to carry the cost of the uninsured and won't bankrupt. 

So, with that reality check, President Obama says it far better than I.