Thursday, November 14, 2013

A "Means Test" for farm subsidies will return the Small Family Farm and a healthier food market in the USA.

The American people would love to have a return of the Family Farm. If Democrats ran in races where federal subsidies were "Mean Tested" while expanding those subsidies to the small farmer (They never receive subsidies. They were put out of business because of it.) they would win. There is not that large a voting base that supports corporate farms or their products.

March 1, 2011, 8:53 pm
By Mark Bittman

Agricultural subsidies (click here) have helped bring us high-fructose corn syrup, factory farming, fast food, a two-soda-a-day habit and its accompanying obesity, the near-demise of family farms, monoculture and a host of other ills.... 

...Farm subsidies were created in an attempt to ameliorate the effects of the Great Depression, which makes it ironic that in an era when more Americans are suffering financially than at any time since, these subsidies are mostly going to those who need them least....

This is what the American people want. And we want our Agriculture Yearbook back again !

We are a small family of first-generation farmers (click here) nourishing an old farm back to health again. Join us in our sixth season as a growing and sustainable CSA farm. Foster a relationship with your farmer and your community that nourishes everyone physically, spiritually and economically. Attend our on-farm events in the spring, summer and fall when we offer field and farm tours, potlucks and events such as pesto making and recipe sharing.

Unfortunately this is a first generation operation. The American Heritage at one time was one generation passing on the land, the plow and the livestock to the next generation and next generation. We want it back!

"We envision a future where Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is the backbone of a strong local food system; where all families have access to locally produced, organic food and have strong connections to their farms, food and community."

This is about the lost generation and finding their way back. This is the generation Wall Street forgot. They are happy being wholesome with hard work and dedication. It is important and can't be ignored by anyone. Many of these farms were developed by our Veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. It is important and they aren't getting any subsidies either. They are doing it the hard way and producing superior products.

Once you’ve decided what’s important to you, it’s time to start searching for YOUR farm. (click here)

Search for farms by share type. See the full list of FairShare’s farms.

The Pick-Up Locations Map is an awesome tool. Type in the address of your home, workplace,gym, school, etc., here, to see which farms deliver nearby. 
You can also search the map by farm location.
Contact the farms directly by phone, email, or website for their current CSA brochure, which typically includes share types and prices, and delivery sites. Also, look at the farm’s Facebook page to get an idea of how they interact with members and to see photos of their shares.