Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Prime Minister of Israel is correct. The Middle East HAS TO REMAIN nuclear free.

Has anyone ever estimated the damage to that region of the world if one bomb was detonated? It would be catastrophic to the entire region. Nuclear winter, the Mediterranean Sea, the wind drift alone would involve far more than any single bomb footprint.

A nuclear blast could effect the Persian Gulf and the oil fields. 

Nuclear weapons have only been deployed once and that was by the USA over Japan. The devastation was incredible.

Imagine for a minute that is the Tigris and Euphrates river system. What would happen? That is an aerial view of Hiroshima, Japan.

It sure would not look like this anymore.

The color photo is from Wikipedia of The Marsh Arabs.

What kind of future is that for the children of the Middle East? For humanity? What does that say about Western invention and it's purpose?

Prime Minister Netnanyahu is correct. There can be no nuclear weapons in the Middle East. All nations should belong to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. There should never be so much hate to cause war in the Middle East, especially nuclear war. The nations are small and the people many. It is unconscionable.

I thought God was the prime focus of the region. Nuclear weapons are not of God.

Please think about it. Please.

Oren Dorell
4:43 p.m. EDT October 1, 2013

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (click here) warned United Nations delegates Tuesday that to avoid a military conflict they must stand firm in putting pressure on Iran to open up its nuclear program to inspection.

"Iran wants to be in position to rush forward and build nuclear bombs before the world can prevent it," Netanyahu said, warning that recent gestures from Iran toward peace are a "ruse" to lull the West into backing off.

He said the "one big problem" that stands in in the way of Iran's aims are the economic sanctions that the West has imposed to get Iran to prove its claim the its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. He warned that the sanctions must remain and be toughened if Iran is to be stopped....