Friday, September 13, 2013

Those are outrageous demands by the rebels. They aren't interested in keeping people alive so much as prosecute Assad.

These levels of resistance to progress of peace are unhelpful. They don't want to save their own people's lives? I doubt the top level movement of Syria's weapons are the Assad forces, so much as WHOM is moving what. 

Do I think the Wall Street journal has top secret attachments that the United Nations don't? No. Murdoch's empire is known to be liars and propagandists. Just because the USA is stuck with the Wall Street journal on this issue, it has to be validated in duplicity outside of the USA. There is too much political baggage in the USA to consider the media honest and forthright, especially when it comes to Murdoch.

Where is the OFFICIAL assessment? 

Murdoch is not a reliable source of anything. His media outlets only seek to inflame the circumstances. His organizations are Wall Street and support that point of view. In my opinion, their corporate model is so tainted it is completely invaluable. The only reason they are still in business is because Murdoch has created a local media monopoly. Most, if not all other news agencies in the USA are dependent on the local information and cover FOX provides. If 'citizen journalists' really want 'a place in it,' they need to provide the local coverage now provided by the national fleet of FOX media wagons.

CBS News/ September 12, 2013, 5:04 AM

...Late Wednesday, Gen. Salim Idriss, (click here) the head of the SNC's military council, said in a video posted online that he and his fellow rebel commanders "announce our definitive rejection of the Russian initiative to place chemical weapons under international custody."

"We ask that the international community not be content with withdrawing chemical weapons, which are a criminal instrument, but to hold the perpetrator accountable and prosecute him at the International Criminal Court," Idriss said, blaming Assad for an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack on the Damascus suburbs which the Obama administration says left at least 1,400 people dead....