Sunday, September 22, 2013

Small familes with small farms are needed to serve communities. SBA needs to seek out those looking to start these small businesses as well as traditional funding.

These animals are important animals and people knowledgeable to start these farms are important people. Start small and expand. Raising healthy animals as a food source can be experienced without going into huge debt.  

These animals are high profit animals when raised in excellent conditions.The word 'start up cooperative' comes to mind.

Poverty sometimes lends itself to rural residents with few options. Seeding those impoverished with opportunities to learn to raise these animals is a viable idea. Start small, start with two birds for personal consumption and encourage growth with success. It sounds like a Non-Profit opportunity for qualified persons to carry out the programs.

Small Farm Funding Resources(click here)

Mary’s Free Range Chickens (click here)

Mary’s Certified Organic Free-Range Turkey (click here)
Mary's Free-Range Organic Turkeys are an additional step up the ladder in humane farming practices; with freedom to move about and a premium diet void of any chemical stimulators.  Certified Organic feeds must be Certified by the USDA and everything that goes in them must be certified as well. Mary's Organic Turkey feed does not contain any of the following:
    •   NO Animal By Products
    •   NO Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
    •   NO Antibiotics
    •   NO Pesticide Treated Grains
    •   NO Grains Grown with Chemical Fertilizers 
    •   NO Synthetic Amino Acids