Friday, August 23, 2013

If incumbants want to know why they aren't getting elected in Republican Primaries, look at whom is the enemy.

"...I am glad you raised the issue because you are involved in the future of our country and I think that is admirable. I think Mike Lee, Marko Rubio and Ted Cruz have the PUREST of intentions....I am 100% convinced it (a government shutdown) won't work...weak, soft spined members of the Republican conference of which I am not one?..."I've got to get re-elected and we have to open this back up...."

The purest, 100% convinced is all Tea Party Rhetoric. The Democrats should learn the "Tea Party as a Second Language" when confronted by hecklers.


"But I have the purest of intentions when it comes to ending the Climate Crisis and am 100% convinced scientists, of which our government has depended on in our best agencies, are correct."

Purest (of intentions - don't sin)

100% (just about as pure as it comes)

Essential (as in services and employees) - no waste in government if it is essential - ? essential ? - military has the priority along with emergency (Homeland security - keepin' out the Muslims)

" things that you and I would do to pinch pennies..."

failure or failed are great words. 'Failed tactic' is one that won't work no matter how COUNTER INTUITIVE (COUNTER CULTURE (political culture. Oh, you know the one created by FOX and those bozos that want ratings to sell stuff no one needs, NON-ESSENTIAL merchandise) it may seem. 

I just love that "No-No" thing they sell. Sexy, isn't it? Guaranteed to remove hair from every part of the body by light beam without causing cancer. And the best part is the "No-No" name. It teaches people to day No as if they are two years old again. 

Oh, too funny. 'Unelected people' in places like the Justice Department, the IRS and all those evil agencies that follow the law. Amazing. Let's just do away with those folks and hand everything over to Wall Street and we will all be million-billionaires. 

You betcha, million-billionaires on a minimum wage with no health care, no food stamps and no SSI and Medicare. Right. "...Let's go back to everything that made America great...."re-embrace everything our Fore-Daddys stood for"...