Friday, August 23, 2013

Antoher White Man goes berserk with a gun without adequate mental health treatment. GET THE GUNS OFF THE STREET.

Antoinette Tuff was more than lucky, she was a confident community member. She spoke to the reality of the circumstances she and the young man faced. He reacted to her ability to connect reality (cognitive therapy) to his actions. He realized how out of control he was and had enough mindfulness to retreat in his actions. She had empathy and well as survival within her understanding of REALITY. 

She spoke to him in an "adult-child" context. She took control and spoke to his sanity rather than brutalizing him with words or actions. She didn't feed the frenzy. She gave him no reason to believe his actions were appropriate.

In a tense 911 call, (click here) a school bookkeeper talks with 20-year-old Michael Hall, helping him surrender to police after she says he fired shots outside an Georgia elementary school. (Aug. 22)