Sunday, August 04, 2013

Daddy was a founding member of the John Birch Society.

By Lee Fang on June 10, 2011 at 6:00 pm

...Fred not only founded (click here) the company now known as Koch Industries, he also was a founding member of the John Birch Society. As a founding board member, Fred helped engineer a hysterical wave of attacks on labor, intellectuals, public education, liberal clergy members, and other pillars of society he viewed as a threat. Birchers decried everyone from former President Eisenhower to water utility administrators as pawns in a global communist conspiracy. In the last two years, as the Koch name has become synonymous with right-wing plutocracy in the United States, the Koch family has played down its relation to the Birchers... 

These are very old values that only serve Koch industries. HBO should pick this up. "Citizen Koch" is the second film produced that has illustrated how artificial USA elections have become. The first one was "Game Change." I never saw the movie about Palin as anything but a loss of integrity to American elections. She was not qualified and now the Koch Brothers are bringing back the past in a way even Pro-Lifers can't relate without extensive soul searching and prayer.

The John Birch Society is an American political advocacy group that supports anti-communism, limited government, a constitutional republic and personal freedom. It has been described by some of its opponents as radical right-wing.

It is all there. I didn't know where their roots were until this film. It makes complete sense. The value structure within the Koch Political Machine is ancient.

The brother's Daddy was a founding member of the John Birch Society in 1958. The Birth Control Pill wasn't marketed until 1960. Hello? This political machine the Koch's have set up is void of any modern concepts. They have played with their fantasies of taking over the world for so long they have been predatory on people such as John Roberts. Yes, our Chief Justice. If anyone wants to know why he is blind to his own lack of Constitutional values, realize the Koch Family has been seeking out candidates to usher in their power for decades.

The Tea Party is not a new game, it has been around since 1958. It was what was left after the RNC imploded in 2008. There is no Republican Party. This is it. The reason the Tea Party exists is because of Koch Industries. There is other noble cause. Koch Industries has it's own political puppets and have been harassing people into a brain trust to exploit later.  

We threw these guys out with the political bathwater a long time ago, they just floated to the top of the scum because they still had money after 2008. That is all this is. The list of puppets are long and distinguished. 

The film is really well done. The dedication to making the film is all to obvious. PBS had originally funded the film with $150,000. That wasn't their only funding, but, $150,000 is significant to any independent filmmaker. The PBS funding was pulled because of the Kochs stated he was about to make a sizable contribution to PBS, but, not with their name in THIS film. So, the $150,000 was recalled by PBS. See, David Koch is on the board of several interesting news outlets. PBS is one of them. He doesn't just donate, he pulls strings and wheels power.

The lost monies have been made up. The filmmakers can now pay their bills that were paid until the Kochs decided to make the First Amendment disappear. 


A Koch that doesn't believe in the USA Constitution? 

Is there any other kind? 

One of the Founding Principles of The John Birch Society is "Preserving Individual Rights and National Independence." (click here)


When a political 'agency for the wealthy' puts conditions on Public Broadcasting there is absolutely no preservation of individual rights, yet alone the First Amendment.

Right down the line, the values of the Tea Party mimic completely that of the John Birch Society. I am fairly confident the brothers are doing this for Daddy.