Sunday, June 23, 2013

This is the United States of America. Civilized. First World. The Individual has rights.

Pregnancy is not a difficult discussion to have. Pregnancy in the First World means it is a mature decision. Just that simple. That decision is between a woman and her physician. If she wants to include her spouse, significant other, boyfriend or sperm donor in the decision that is up to her, but, in all honesty this is no place for government.

Raising children in the USA is suppose to be conducted by adults not children nearly not old enough to be babysitters.

When a child becomes pregnant for whatever reason she does that should never impact her life so profoundly it will alter her 'success path.' This is the year 2013, not 1913. Those decisions are very simple these days.

Post Partum Depression is not a joke. Now, be 14 years old and suffer through it while you mother is yelling at you to change the baby's diaper. That is a completely hideous scenario and it is profound child abuse. 

Post Partum Depression can lead to psychosis due to hormonal imbalances. There are studies existing that prove it. The usual scenario that is classic was seen in Texas with a woman of many children, spending most of her childbearing years in poverty and her last child was a girl. Classic. Starting a fourteen year old girl down that path is a societal illness, not a point of pride. Punitively telling her to raise a baby is outrageous.

Has anyone ever done a study on these girls and how their lives transpire? Do they ever marry? Do their children grow up without stigma? What happens to these children?

Bioethicists will state the fetus feels pain at a certain point, hence the valid reason to outlaw abortion. Abortion is a surgical procedure that usually involves anesthetics of one kind or another. That may sound cruel and cold, but, women are alive and fetus are not. 

If a fetus can be saved and provided for adoption, then I am all for it. However, there is STILL the issue of consent by the parents. At that point if the fetus is viable and alive and the parents want the child regardless of the intended abortion, they have the right to do so. This is not a harvesting procedure.

A woman's life comes before that of a fetus. There is no black and white here. The spectrum of "Mother and Baby" is infinite and every case unique. That is why there needs to be privacy between a woman and her physician. 

Let's not make this more than it is. It does not have a place in politics. Government does not have a place in this decision. This does not include criminal content such as the horrors of Gosnell. Crime is not abortion even though there are those that would like it to be so.

A woman has a right to her body. She has a right to decide about pregnancy. She has a right to prevent and abort pregnancy. There is nothing difficult here. 

Planned Parenthood has been a relief for women. Their services are vital, they add to quality of life and they uphold the dignity of women of all ages.

It is time to put this to bed. Pregnancy is serious business. It takes a mature woman to consent to it and provide a place for a child in her life, all her life.

Unless the USA is going to raise the children of women denied abortions, then they need to get out of their uterus.