Wednesday, June 19, 2013

They'll find their sea legs, Mr. Bernanki.

They love money too much. They won't stay away for long. Promise.  Ya know, they might find out the Credit Unions had it right the entire time and the 'risk' in the consumer market is still the best place to do business.

June 19, 2013
By Binyamin Applebaum

...Stocks fell on Wall Street (click here) after Mr. Bernanke’s remarks, with the Dow Jones industrial average down 1.2 percent, or about 170 points. Investors sold on his indications that the Fed would reduce its stimulus efforts starting later this year... 

Perhaps now, the USA Senate and House will dust off the American Jobs Act and do something, like pass it. Ya think?

Yes, the US House hasn't been helpful to the recovery of the job rate. So, they attempted to pass a spending bill of $1 trillion in the Farm Bill to stroke their cronies and stoke the economy.

Now there is this. The Republicans are finally scared enough to do something, but, they are hiding these spending bills under the rug while they give their base the gossip point of abortion.

At some point in time, the House and Senate Republicans will realize they have run their penny pinching rhetoric to the end of the road. They need to do something to benefit the people of this nation besides giving their party a 'feel good feeling' about moralizing. 

The truth is the Congress should have acted long before QE anything was planned and carried out. If the job growth occurred long ago the retail businesses, including tourism, would have been chugging a long just fine by now. 

If Congress recovered the country correctly rather than seeking political power, the revenues to the USA Treasury would have increased ALREADY and the economy would be far better than it is today. Instead, they allowed The Fed to wager against the US Dollar while cowering in the corners of their office. It has been hideous, completely hideous and now the global currency is more fluid than ever. Other countries are hurting, that doesn't help the US economy in attracting commerce of any kind. It would be nice if the US Congress valued competency over political leveraging.

A transportation budget (click here) proposed this week in the U.S. House doesn’t provide any money to finance an $850 million federal grant for the Columbia River Crossing project, a spokesman for U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler said Tuesday.
The legislation is just one spending proposal being considered by Congress; the Senate is drafting its own version.
The House bill, which would cover the 2014 fiscal year, only includes $1.68 billion for the federal New Starts grants program. CRC planners are banking on a $850 million New Starts grant to pay for the construction of light rail on a new Interstate 5 Bridge over the Columbia River.
The House transportation spending plan doles out that $1.68 billion to 17 other projects around the country, from Honolulu to New York. Unlike the CRC project, those 17 other projects have already met Federal Transit Administration permitting and funding rules for the New Starts program, Herrera Beutler said. CRC planners are still waiting on some of the pieces of their project to fall into place.
The budget proposal’s $1.68 billion in New Starts money is “the exact amount needed to fund the other 17 projects in the House Appropriations bill,” Herrera Beutler’s spokesman, Casey Bowman, wrote in an email. “So even if the CRC were to surmount the huge permitting and local funding hurdles in front of it, there would still be no federal money available for it or any other New Starts project in (fiscal year) 2014.”