Thursday, May 23, 2013

Senator Coburn cherry picks his statistics and makes Senator Whitehouse' point.

Senators Inhofe, Coburn and McConnell are the problem and not the solution. 

If Senator Coburn thinks he can stand in contempt of those that know differently about four consecutive days of EF3 or higher tornadoes by taking the country hostage and stating to the nation, "It is my way or the highway." Then there is the highway. Coburn is welcome to lead his own restoration of Oklahoma and build his own 501(c)4 to assist.

The fact of the matter is there is proof and research to back up what Senator Whitehouse is stating from a scientific background. I'll be posting it here eventually.

Senators Inhofe and Coburn are bought and paid for by the petroleum industry like the former Romney Energy Advisor Howard Hamm. It is amazing to watch Senators Inhofe and Coburn selectively lie to constituents and Americans alike. Corrupt to the bone.

Ten children dead, two infants, one toddler and these Senators don't give a damn! Not one damn about the lives of those people! They throw the truth away like an old shoe. They are corrupt and disdain the people that die and defy their memory to change their political power wagon.

They are all despicable men and don't ask me what they are doing in the USA Senate. Criminals all.