Thursday, May 23, 2013

Gitmo is the Republican Problem. It is not about populism. It is about Human Rights.

The President or the Democratic Party does not own this problem. It should be made evident to the electorate in any election in 2014. 5 April 2013 Desperate Act (click here) "The continuing indefinite incarceration of many of the detainees amounts to arbitrary detention and is in clear breach of international law," Ms Pillay said in a statement on Friday.
"It severely undermines the United States' stance that it is an upholder of human rights.
"When other countries breach these standards, the US - quite rightly - strongly criticises them for it," she added.
Ms Pillay also said a continuing hunger strike among the inmates was a "desperate act" - but it was "scarcely surprising".
Human rights groups and lawyers representing the prisoners say the strike reflects growing frustration at the US military's failure to decide their future.
Many of those who have been cleared for transfer remain at the facility at the US naval base in Cuba because of Congressional restrictions and also concerns of possible mistreatment if they are sent back to their home countries....

Rep. Moran might wonder as some protesters do as well as to why President Obama hasn't carried out Executive power before now.

I believe it was his first inauguration when he stated he was the President of all the nation, not just a part of the nation. For his first four years President Obama has tried beyond any reasonable tolerance to work with the entire country. He tried in every way he knew to bring the people together.

As President he did not find Executive Branch power his obsession. He knew his job. He knew his responsibility. He also knew his nation and the path it was on and how terrible things could happen within the USA if he carried out his powers too soon and in strong and irreverent methods.

President Obama worked with Congress, not against Congress. His first two years were incredible and gave us some of the most sweeping health care reformation this country has ever witnessed. His most pressing problem was an American economy imploding and taking the global Western economy with it. There was much to be done and much was done. The US House Speaker Pelosi lead record number legislation and the Senate found enough cooperation to make the House matter.

If President Obama did not run for office again after the disastrous elections of 2010 no one would blame him, but, he persisted and the much needed change in path for the nation would be his focus until his re-election.

Since his re-election he has learned he is a man alone in the Executive Branch as the Senate can't even find the focus to confirm his nominees. Barak Obama had to come to his own conclusion about the respect his Presidency would receive and when he would depart from Congressional abuse of him and the nation and take the path he was entrusted with. 

Now, the Affordable Care Act is finally becoming reality and Democratic House Representatives remain under siege and can't find cooperation to move the country in the direction it demands. Today, President Obama made a speech to confirm the path forward. He finally came to terms with sincere hatred by the opposition party that could not care less about the people of this country, so much as their allegiance to their cronies. He found out the rhetoric about Right Wing Nuts is not rhetoric but the truth, now validated.

President Obama can lead this country forward and he will. The remnants of what he can't resolve because of Congress unable to function under political Right Wing dogma will be the shame of the nation. When the country moves forward in a way that save those areas within it's borders from gerrymandering and prejudiced values then the USA will finally have it's complete dignity back. 

I look forward to the next four years. The USA will begin to rebuild it's dignity and maybe when the country finds that dignity is important again it will matter in elections as well.

Katherine Guthrie, @kguth1130
8:10 PM on 05/10/2013
...The hunger strike has renewed (click here) focus on the detention facility, with President Obama calling for its closure in April. At Friday’s hearing, Rep. James Moran of Virginia, military personnel, and attorneys representing Guantanamo Bay prisoners all called for the transfer of the 86 cleared men as well as the closure of the facility.  “It should never have come into existence,” said Moran in his opening remarks.
Moran, a Democrat, called on President Obama to use his executive authority to begin the process of closing the detention center. He also admitted Congress’ role in derailing the president’s earlier efforts: “Now, yes, Congress has constrained the president’s options for closing this detention facility, but President Obama still retains the authority to do so should he wish to choose to fully exercise his existing power and authority.  He does have the authority to do so.”...