Friday, April 05, 2013

Steve Moore is a idiot. Please tell me this man, whom has found his way into television commentary, is not as stupid as he appears.

He stated, the SSI Trust Fund does not have $2.7 Trillion US value.

Is he for real because there is nothing real about that statement. The SSI Fund relies on the USA Bond value and if that value is $0.00 then that is something that hasn't reached the rest of us.

Ya know, Senator Bernie Sanders has a point about the Chained CPI. Seniors do not spend money the way the USA Consumer Price Index prescribes spending and increased costs. Seniors do spend their money very differently. He has a point. While the CPI of the nation has been mostly static since the global economic collapse, that is not the case for Senior Americans. 

The moral to story is Seniors may very well need a better defined CPI before Congress decides to 'chain it.'