Sunday, March 03, 2013

The second Sacrament of Service is Matrimony.

The First Sacrament of Service is Ordination.

Before a candlelit altar, a young groom takes the hand of his bride and vows: "Today I commit my body and spirit to you.

I promise to try always to make our relationship grow through openness in communication; through trust in your willingness to work toward our mutual good; through faith in our love for each other even when that love seems hidden for the moment.

"Today I promise you the freedom to grow and develop your talents and capabilities. I promise to rejoice in your personal growth and to work out with you any problems this growth entails.

"Today I pledge to join with you in a union that is meant to be fruitful. I promise to join with you in establishing a household that is open to the needs of others, where we can, so far as we are able, provide a place of warmth and belonging to those who have none."

I didn't read ownership or possession in any of that, did you?