Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The NRA is targeting anyone four years of age or older, not just elitists, so please get that right.

Elitism is not simply a definition about wealth. Elitism is about separating into special interests. The NRA is elitist. 

The language throughout all these campaigns from the NRA is sloppy without any cohesion to a common ground of American values. They are struggling to find a ground to stand on and considering the video loop was propagated by Breitbrat it is understanding why there is no cohesive message. 

Breitbart really should leave the man's name alone to rest in peace. Sympathy to all, but, it is inappropriate to continue to 'seek to destroy' for the sake of seeking to destroy. The website has nothing but extremist MESSAGING.

One other word about the word elite. Elite is frequently used to describe Seal Team Six, so get over it.