Friday, January 18, 2013

Starting to get that 'Here come the planes' feeling? There is a 12 step program for you, too.

Lawyers (click here) for 9/11 Truth member Ferdinando Imposimato takes the duty seriously, and is requesting that the International Criminal Court commence a trial concerning 9/11.

The GOP needs to get ready to carry the cross in 2014.

FRIDAY, JAN 18, 2013 02:55 PM EST

We’ve been writing (click here) a lot about the conspiracy theories surrounding the Sandy Hook school shooting — some say too much. “Why you’re giving these Sandy Hook truther media whores the time of day. Ignore them and they go away [sic],” one reader emailed.
Unfortunately, that’s probably not the case. The genie is already out of the bottle and this myth will likely only heat up as the debate over gun control does. “It’s by far the hottest topic of the moment,” David Mikkelson, the co-founder of the myth-debunking website told BuzzFeed. As the site’s Ben Smith and CJ Lotz wrote today, “Some of the factors that can bring theories in from the fringe appear to be driving its unexpected surge this month: A connection to America’s intensely polarized political culture in general, and a message that appeals to a longstanding fear among gun owners, in particular.”...

                                       Ah, the ratings war. 

Leadership is not about indulging the extremists, it is about protecting the majority.

The reason leaders in the GOP are ineffective is because they allow lies to exist to benefit them politically. It has been a long practice of the GOP to indulge the public rather than educate them. That venue of power has served them well. We can afford lies in our country anymore.

President Obama is a strong and determined leader. He is brilliant. When he seeks to address the political differences between the Democrats and Republicans that actually serve the nation; he meets up with the political enforcement of lies with the Republicans. The gerrymandering has to be overcome. The people within this dynamic are caught up in a void of effective policy. The gerrymandering has gotten to be more than an odd corrupt political strategy; it is adversely effecting people's lives and quality of life. I always thought the USA was founded in trust, truth and justice. It is time those values are actually returned to everyone.