Friday, January 18, 2013

Northern Africa is a security issue for Europe.

Alliances with countries such as Algeria should exist long before a need results. The Algerian government and people will carry out the security of their own nation.

If the British are going to pump oil out of the ground in Algeria, they should have offered an alliance with military assistance long before the oil companies established their their first well.

This backward approach to protecting Europe causes wars with people that don't deserve them. There is much in the way of foreign relations that have lacked with African nations for a very long time. 

The terrorists succeeded. They were able to secure weapons and take hostages. Europe needs to work with North Africa to push that reality a long way back on the timeline. An EU military base in Algeria could have collected intelligence and interceded with the Algerian government to prevent the spread of such power among the people. This is anarchy. Terrorist networks are a manifestation of anarchy. Preventing anarchy is a basic understanding of sovereignty. 

Algeria ended the danger to its nation very successfully. They were correct. The EU and USA have no place on Algerian soil unless they are invited. 


Is Europe invading Algeria? They have no basis for it.

When it comes to Africa, The West has been doing national security 'on the cheap.' I don't recommend it.

As allies, Algerians should have their own military and own intelligence. Until they are up to speed, the EU could provide value support to achieve it, but, not when there is a venue of war already begun. That would be nothing more than escalation.