Thursday, December 27, 2012

Kathryn Ann Bigelow makes conservative films. Maybe I didn't say that right.

She is very ambitious. She was awarded Best Director as the first woman to receive that award from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.

She made the conservative film of all conservative films with The Hurt Locker. It was a Bush film. It catered to the Right Wing brokers within the Academy.

I never went to see The Hurt Locker. I won't see it, because while I can only imagine the people that do that kind of work; there are police with bomb squads all over the USA doing dangerous work. Yet. There was no film made about them. It was made about the military. There is a reason for that. It was pure ambition that drove Ms. Bigelow to direct The Hurt Locker. It was a film that could be promoted through the right wing ranks of the decision tree.

I am not surprised Mr. Bigelow made a film about Osama bin Laden that would highlight torture as the real winner of his death. If one remembers, when President Obama sent in the Seal Team, the Right Wing was screaming it was due to Bush's policies that bin Laden was dead. They never stopped. Then to create more controversy when Ms. Bigelow was given the opportunity to get the information for the film, it was coined as a propaganda film to benefit the Obama Campaign.

I guarantee you the people behind this film that provided Ms. Bigelow access was not the Obama election team, but the Right Wing Political machine. She wants another Oscar and any variety of aware thereafter or before for the film. She isn't interested in making a film based in fact. She is not a documentarian and never stated she ever was. She is making films that please people whom back her politically within her peer groups.

She never said the bin Laden film was factual or a documentary. She never will because it is a political film intended to win awards from inside the Academy. It is easy to promote as a Right Wing benefit to power million-billionaires. 

Believe it or not there are many people in this country that find the rating system a rejection of art. How does that relate to the Bigelow film? She plays by all the rules. She doesn't move outside of the rules to take chances to show herself as a sincere artist interested in expression. She makes movies to win awards, not portray the truth as a documentarian would or as an artist seeking to 'create' rather than make money.

She has made other films, but, they never made the money these do. These are controversial right wing films. Do you think the Right Wing thinks the remake of Atlas Shrugged is going to be seen, yet change opinion? They had to get Hannity to appear in the film in order to sell the boring mess.

There is a reason critics exist and used to exist in far larger numbers then today. It is because they would watch the film first and tell their readers about the risks within the film as well as the quality. See, critics think. They appreciate art. They appreciate the science of film making. But, a rating system simply 'ranks' the film for the political purpose of public opinion.

So, there you have it. The US Senators reviewing the propagandizing within the film are right to their verbal protests. The film is marketed as a factual depiction. It isn't and Ms. Bigelow will never claim it is completely true. It is a film about violence to enforce violence within our culture. There are members of this country needing to enforce violence and those are the ones that profit from it financially and politically.

Think about it.