Friday, December 14, 2012

It is a good start, Mr. Speaker, but, only a start.

It is a good start to saving lives of children, school children, teachers, holiday shoppers, temple worshipers and movie goers in the USA.

But, only a start!

So far there is only one bill in the US Senate about children. What is taking so long to pass this bill?

S.645 - Child Protection Improvements Act of 2012 (click here)

A bill to amend the National Child Protection Act of 1993 to establish a permanent background check system.

What is holding this up, some kind of lousy filibuster? This bill doesn't even begin to address the tragedy our young people are facing in a culture of violence.

Communities traumatized by gun violence don't adequately recover. They are not soldiers, they are not suppose to be on a battlefield. Their homes are suppose to be places of security, peace and happiness. It is time for the United States federal government to look into the lasting effect of gun violence on communities and how best to stop it. These are the children and citizens that are the future of this country, there is no room for this level of violence within our borders.