Sunday, October 07, 2012

16 cents per liter is the cost of gasoline at the pump in Saudi Arabia.

The Pump (click here) price for gasoline (US dollar per liter) in Saudi Arabia was last reported at 0.16 in 2010, according to a World Bank report published in 2012.

The conversion of one gallon of gasoline to liters is:

1 Gallon US = 3.7854118 Liters

That means the folks in Saudi Arabia driving today are paying $.605 or 61 cents per gallon if sold in US volume.

Does anyone in the USA actually believe if every drop of petroleum in the ground under US soil were exploited we would be paying 61 cents per gallon? I mean really now. 61 cents per gallon when all the oil derricks are in place and pumping. 

I don't think so.