Friday, October 19, 2012

"Outsourcing, Romney Built It."

The world is watching the tragedy of Bainport. They are witnessing first hand the damage Wall Street Venture Capitalists cause while dismissing morality and loyalty to a country one wants to be president. Is that not amazing?

...Bain is packing up the machines (click here) and moving them to the communist country, whose foreign policy is, I believe, centered around stripping the United States of its manufacturing base so the 21st will be the Chinese Century.
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney ran Bain Capital until about a decade ago....
Never once, while Romney was harvesting USA Greenbacks for his own use, did he pause to ask what employees and the USA economy would do without the manufacturing that had sustained it for so long. 
Never once. His statements were, "Worrying about those people is not my job."