Saturday, September 01, 2012

No apologes, please

I don't accept the apology Melissa Harris Perry made to her audience. I thought her passion of the injustice that exists in the USA of the Poor was wonderful.

It was refreshing and to many I am confident it was validating. I do not want her to lose her passion, focus or love for all those without representation in the real world.

Without a spokesperson most of the needy, regardless of the manner in which it takes, is not heard and certainly not understood. We see celebrities throughout our economic spectrum promoting the needy in one way or another. Unfortunately, for The Poor their 'social condition' is disgusting to most, unthinkable to even less in power and so powerless they can be considered disposable by many.

So rarely do The Poor find such passion for their circumstances. They are viewed as hopeless, UNABLE to be rescued and without CAPACITY to 'be like us' that pity is frequently the descriptor used with success by NGOs that find it helpful to have a job in securing something meaningful for them.

The USA was ravaged of its wealth with the past administration, draining all its resources, pretending owning homes was a real possibility if only all would try. That was not that long ago and we are still realizing the devastation of Hurricane Bush for eight years. I find that descriptor of Bush an insult to hurricanes really, but, given the characteristics of these destructive storms in the years after Katrina, "if the shoe fits wear it."

The newness of that devastation to the USA cannot be dismissed. Not since the early 1900s has there been such vast poverty. Some would like akin it to the Dust Bowl, but, in all honesty the increasing dynamics the Republicans are painting for the PERMANENTLY OPPRESSED actually goes back to the beginning of the last century and resembles the lives of migrant workers.

The Republicans aren't stupid, they know wealth is fun and sustaining and can purchase more wealth. They are building monuments to that truth in placing fiber optic cable across the ocean floor yet again between trading markets in so their wealth can tick up in every 'increment of time' to rob more and more and more from all those unable to gain that advantage. The more these people control wealth, the more there will poverty and suffering.

That is greed. There is nothing else to call it and it is seeking control at every turn. Greedy people are buying up political parties and brainwashing voters in democracies with propaganda. So, let's not hold back our purpose and voice when every person, whether they realize it or not, needs exactly that voice. 

Please, Melissa, don't stop now.

Oh, by the way, I found the experienced voice of wisdom, experience and insight of Bob Shieffer a welcome addition to your panel of guests from week to week. I been reading Bob Herbert forever. Thank you.