Wednesday, August 08, 2012

The Soptic ad is accurate. The media is playing with semantics. This has been exactly the problem with the entire health care debate.

No one at the Super Pac is chuckling at the falsehoods, they are compelled by the truth.

To begin with, the woman discussed in the video is no simple, everyday woman, this is Mrs. Soptic. Mrs. Soptic was a beneficiary to her husband's insurance as well as her own while he was working in the steel industry.

The media loves to divide and conquer. They have sought to do that for decades to fight health care reform.

This is no different.

Mr. Soptic was well employed. At no point in time did he ever believe he would lose his job due to an industry outsourcing. He had been with the steel plant long enough to never have concerns about the future. He didn't quit from his job. He was fired when Bain Capital destroyed the steel plant's operation and raided its worth.

The footprint of 'job security' extends far past the demolition of it. The fact Mrs. Soptic died of late stage cancer speaks LOUDLY to the fact they could not afford preventive care. The Soptics neglected their optimum health because they didn't have the benefits or the income from Mr. Soptic's employment any longer. His job security was sold for profits.

Why is it the media and Republicans like to think the future of citizens are disposable to the whim of Wall Street? 

When this plant was closed the steel industry was no longer within the borders of the USA which threatened its national security. The steel the USA would need after the steel industry was destroyed and outsourced would have to come for Japan or Canada. Luckily, we didn't have the need we did entering WWII.

Mr. Soptic's ability to provide for his wife ended when he lost his job. His job security sold to the highest bidder. Then when she lost her employment and her health insurance; their health fell into peril. That is the truth and it matters. 

There are deaths happening everyday in the USA because of inadequate or no health insurance. This is another story about THAT TRUTH.

Mrs. Soptic died due to lack of health care, both her own and her husband's. Because that happened over five years makes it no less an assault against the American citizen and their condition.

Being this is a Super Pac Ad, the Obama campaign or White House staff cannot comment. They would implicate themselves in illegal behavior to comment on the activities of Super Pacs.

I suppose the White House Press was more interested in a "Gotcha moment," than the rules.

"It was a clown question, Bro."