Thursday, December 08, 2011

Women over 16 years old can purchase "Plan B" over the counter and I am fine with that.

The Secretary is correct, girls as young as eleven years old can become pregnant, but, there is a lack of worldliness to allow this decision and self administration to take place.  Besides there are issues with a pregnancy that young or even at 13 and 14 years old.  Girls at such young ages should not be getting pergnant nor should they be expected to continue a pregnancy.  It is ridiculous idea.  Where were the parents in the first place and was the pregnancy due to harassment by others that pimp these girls from the school yard.  There are too many questions regarding a pregnancy of women that young to allow them to simply think they can take a magic pill to make it all go away.

I don't consider the Secretary's decision a matter of politics.  Besides younger girls can have their older piers purchase it for them.  It will happen, so why expose pharmacists to the liability of the irresponsible acts of others?  Age 17 and older are worldly enough to making these decisions for medication they take over the counter.

I really believe the Secretary should assign a task force to better understand why young girls/women become pregnant and seek to find intervention to stem the behavior.  There was the incidence of the girls that became pregnant as a matter of being in the same social circle.  It is not prudent to place young hearts and minds at such risk so young as it sets them up for failure and hardship in life along with their children if they are forced to be raised in poverty without common comforts.