Friday, October 28, 2011

President Obama has every right, that was not privilege, but RIGHT to sign Executive Orders when the country is in turmoil.

The USA Congress has proven beyond a reasonable doubt it is in absolute deadlock that focuses on Republican Ideology.  Even the Super-Committee, composed of the finest the House and Senate has to offer is in complete deadlock over Republican ideology.

This country needs taxes raised on those most able to pay, by public testimony of those that would fall into that category including the President and First Lady themselves.

The country is in a free fall, some might call it a slippery slope, to the fate of an entire generation of Americans in a Stock Market with a jobless recovery and no notice end to it.

President Obama is OBLIGATED to carry out the business of the nation for what is its best interest in recovery to economic well being.  If signing Executive Orders will bring about relief and employment for the Middle Class and Poor then he is required to move in their best interest.  Americans should not be dying in the back allies or the country side to please a "W"rongful and "W"illful Republican ideology that seeks to turn the tables on democracy and victimize permanently the poor and working class of this nation.

The President must act in an emergency and if he has to do it alone, then so be it.  The USA is in an economic emergency, is a nation at war and has an entire generation of Americans without a future or an American Dream to hang on to.  This is not the USA, this is a stalemated ideological divide that is destroying freedom and prosperity in this country.