Sunday, October 30, 2011

A pregnancy is not about a cherub as the Anti-Abortion Lobby would like to portray the topic.

...During that period, the proportion of abortions obtained by women younger than 20 dropped steadily, falling from 33 percent in 1974 to 17 percent in 2004. For those younger than 18, it fell from 15 percent of all abortions in 1974 to 6 percent in 2004. At the same time, the proportion of abortions obtained by women in their 20s increased from 50 percent to 57 percent, and the share done for women age 30 and older rose from 18 percent to 27 percent....

The majority of women obtaining abortions are over than 20 years old according to this article in the Washington Post in 2008 (click title to entry - thank you)  No one has the right or should have the priviledge to dictate the outcome to any aspect of a woman's body. 

Frequently, we hear this topic cloaked in the 'idea' of women's health.  That is sometimes the issue, there is however the right to mental health of a woman that has no desire to complicate her life with an unwanted pregnancy.