Thursday, September 01, 2011

According to self-righteous Right Wing Commentators, they expect President Obama to CAVE on...

... banking regulation, fossil fuel regulation and seek to deregulate everything under the sun while cutting taxes so that he can SEDUCE the House into voting for this jobs bill.  They have no reason to state that.

We cannot and will not return to the years of BUSH, either '41' or '43.'  

If Wall Street can't turn a profit with regulations that support the consumer than they don't need to be in business, because, we aren't going to beg for employment that eventually robs of our homes and personal accomplishments.  We can do better on our own.

The Small Business Administration was abandoned after October 2008 and it is there we need to focus on providing support for an economy Americans can be proud of to stabilize the American economy, increase consumer demand and grow jobs.