Wednesday, June 08, 2011

President should summit with OPEC and allow them to build their own refineries in the USA.

The Repuboicans are always crying there isn't enough 'oil and gas' infrastructure and that the USA is at the mercy of other, but, they believe in the free market system.  Well, then the people with the most oil can build refineries and hire USA labor to run them to bring their oil to the USA for processing and completely eliminate the 'middle man' and provide an honest price for energy to consumers. 

President Obama should have a State Dinner for Saudi Arabia and others that can bring products Americans can make within their own borders and provide jobs to Americans for the products they purchase from other countries.  There is no way the USA could ever have enough oil to fill the demand for Wall Street's commodity market. 

Why didin't Bush and Cheney offer to allow the Saudis a refinery to sell their product directly to the American people?  Perhaps the speculation of oil was more rewarding to the former President and Vice President than anyone is willing to admit.  After all, if the Saudis could bring their oil directly to a refinery in the USA who would need Halliburton in Iraq?