Wednesday, June 08, 2011

I can't stay silent with a child in the balance.

It is not surprising the newlyweds of Anthony and Huma Weiner are expecting their first child.

If Breitbart thinks he is doing the nation a favor by exposing skin to insult a new marriage and a new baby he is sadly mistaken.  I find Breitbart's priorities disgusting and he should be sued along with women involved who do not care what occurrs in the marriage or with a pregnancy. 

There is an ethics investigation to be conducted to determine if there are violations the House has to deal with and that is where the photos and testimonies of the women should have gone in the first place.  They could have been placed into the public rhelm at any time if the House proved it was not going to handle the issue. 

But, for Breitbart (I always think of Homer Simpson when I hear that name) thinks he is exempt from causing harm and being sued he has a nothing thing coming.  If I were Representative Weiner and my wife were expecting I would not be taking this lying down.  He made his statement to the public and that's the end of it.  He and his wife should enjoy their pregnancy and hope the child is born healthy.  I think Breitbart should be handed a summons for harassment and imperiling the health of a woman.

Bight - Bart

Just one of those strange analogies that crop up for me when I hear the name.

Go figure.