Sunday, June 05, 2011

Obama Could Use Executive Order to Stop Union Busting

I don't know if the President realizes how comprehensive the Wall Street mess has impacted the unions in the USA, but, it has.  There have been government ridicule of the unions in a way that disincentives their virtues and incentivizes company profits.  The outsourcing of American jobs is devastating enough, but, to realize the de-evolution that has resulted in the past two decades and especially the past decade to unions be they public or private puts them on a path to demise.

The President has a wonderful and dedicated Secretary of Labor, but, they both need to concentrate an effort into understanding what has happened to the USA's great unions, the vital role the play in securing the Middle Class and therefore the health of our economy and the global economy.  The USA and its unions are members of a global economy that counts on that economic engine.  If American workers are not earning, then are economy suffers.  They are the greatest engine for economic growth and stability.  If unions are good partners with companies then they deserve a sincere effort by the Labor Department to sto their slide into extinction.