Wednesday, June 22, 2011

In the Twenty-nine months President Obama has been in office he has accomplished a great deal.

He has brought troops home from Iraq as he has promised.  He will have brought home all the troops from Iraq by the end of the year. 

He has killed Osama bin Laden.  A feat others have stated was impossible.  For President Obama it was not only possible, it was a priority. 

He is deliberate in all he does and ending the troop involvement in Afghanistan-Pakistan is no different.  We do have allies there, including Turkey and India we cannot simply ignore and hope for the best. 

But, more than ending wars and killing terrorists, he has accomplished instilling a 'secure place for democracy' in the region.   The Arab Spring is as much a part of our leaving as the troops coming home.  The paradigm of oppression and war is ending in this part of the world.  It is happening without retaliation or escalation of USA commitment of troops, hardware or investment.

President Obama has encouraged a secure place for democracy and ended the demands of people to change their governments and to do so violently.  Al Qaeda has been defeated from wars, but also by changing the landscape to end the violence preached by so many. 

The USA involvement of military in overseas areas of the world is much different than it was 29 months ago.  President Obama has committed the USA on a path to peace and averted hostilities to provide the opportunity for peace and trust to begin to take hold.

I am not going to paint simply a rosey picture as instability is still everywhere with nation's such as Syria, Libya and Yemen.  Bloodshed occurs there nearly everyday, but, it is not at the hands of USA troops.  War is not going to change things there, but, only give rise to greater losses of life as we have witnessed in Iraq.  Keeping vigilance and working with allies in supporting changes the people of these nations demand is the best venue for the USA.  It is the best venue for any nation.  Escalation of any war will only result in more of the same and not less.

President Obama is limiting the involvement in war by the USA as he returns attention to the domestic needs of our nation and economy. 

I want every troop in harms way home now.  That is my sincere wish, but, my President is still a great man with insight I have to respect and admire. 

The wars are ending.  They are not forever.  We have a President we can trust.

Manchin walks with U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan  Karl Eikenberry during a trip to the region in February.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., (click here) related his concerns regarding government spending in Afghanistan during a telephone conference call with state media Tuesday and urged President Barack Obama to invest in building America....