Sunday, May 01, 2011

Socio-economic pressures have played into a women's decision to have an abortion for millennia.

Worldwide, 38% of pregnancies are unintended (some 80 million unintended pregnancies each year). Unintended pregnancies result in about 42 million induced abortions per year, and 34 million unintended births.

Politicizing such issues without sincerely acting to remove the economic pressure of unwanted pregnancy is not only "W"rong, but, removes the 'vital' link in the equation that provides for women to maintain their equality in the market place.

This entire "Pro-Life" mess, or better put, "Anti-Abortion" mess is just that.  There is no place for government to intercede in abortion or the privacy of women.  It is just that simple.  So long as huge insitutions such as "The Fed" continue to destroy the economy there is absolutely no place in privacy issues for government.  There are no alternatives and the invasiveness of government to these decisions needs to end. 

Based on two lies, (click here) that 90% of what Planned Parenthood does is abortions and that Planned Parenthood uses Federal funds to provide abortions, the Republicans have declared war on Planned Parenthood. Their fringe has even circulated the idea that Margaret Sanger was a communist who advocated abortions for ethnic cleansing. I ran into that one on the Yahoo comment stream yesterday....