Friday, April 15, 2011

President Obama's plan for DEBT reduction, NOT DEFICIT recution is $4 trillion over 12 years. In response the Regressive Republicans play obstructional poitics.

The Capitol Building (click here) in Washington, DC.  At least half of it is FOR SALE.  The question is does Goldman-Sachs have the mortgage bundled with the Washington Monument?

The President outlined how the USA can reduce the Nation's Debt without draconian measures that would not refuse the recession.

How many times do I have to say, the Regressive Republicans have NO IDEAS?  How many times before the picture is crystal clear?

What is ALWAYS the Republican agenda?  ALWAYS.  WITHOUT FAIL.  What is there agenda?

Tax cuts for the wealthy, victimizing the Middle Class and destroying the 'base' of the USA economy, SSI and Medicare and Medicaid.  The one place the Republicans can never 'get their hands on the money' is the entitlements the American people contribute ALL THEIR LIVES. 


Where Republicans 'can't run game' are the entitlements. 

So what did Ryan's plan do that passed the House of Represenatives today?  What did it do?

...Obama contrasted his debt reduction plan (click title to entry - thank you) with one proposed by Republicans, saying the latter will gut Medicare and other necessary programs while preserving tax breaks for the rich....

No surprise here, the Republican GREED machine is alive and 'digging in.'

..."This is the same guy (Ryan) that voted for two wars (click here) that were unpaid for, voted for the Bush tax cuts that were unpaid for, voted for the prescription drug bill that cost as much as my health care bill -- but wasn't paid for. So it's not on the level," he said at another event, remarks that were unknowingly fed back to reporters in Washington....

Just because Ryan isn't a stated candidate for office doesn't mean the Republican election campaign hasn't started.  Ryan is surrogating for whomever is coming to the platform in Florida.  Ryan's extremist bill will serve as a sounding board for the "Regressives" to measure the public's reaction and then modify it into a palatable sounding agenda for Gingrich, Romney, Palin, Huckelberry or Trumped.

Where are their DEBT reduction plans?  Don't the people voting in the upcoming primaries want to know what the PLAN IS?  Or will Ryan's do?

I looked for the Trump Plan.  I thought 'for sure' he would have a website that stated, "Donald Trump for President 1012."  Didn't find one.  Found this  (click here)

The House Republicans are running game on the people of the country.  Their bill is ideological and is designed to attrack and excite the base. 

Anyone surprised that the USA House is being used for political purposes?  I'm not.