Thursday, April 07, 2011

More proof that Americans mean nothing to the Republicans. They don't care if Americans lose jobs, they care about their cronies on Wall Street.

Small Business is a talking point for Republicans because their cronies like Bechtel are classified as a small business.  It is not.  It is an international conglomerate. 

There is no sense in the President trying to resolve the Republican's issues regarding the budget.  They don't want to resolve them and Speaker Boner is nothing but a slick talking con man.  This is at least the second time the President has meet with the leaders of the House and Senate and the same thing happens all the time.  The meeting ends, eveyone is closer to closing their differences and in less  than 12 hours they are further apart than they were before and Speaker Boner always says, "The numbers don't match."  It is the same 'mind speak' everytime there is a meeting. 

...At a Thursday morning press conference, (click title to entry - thank you) House Speaker John Boehner disputed Senate Majority Leader Harry’s Reid’s claim that the two sides have essentially agreed on a base number for spending cuts and are now squabbling only over unrelated policy provisions....

Boner lies and lies and lies again and he is counting on their crony donations to win elections.  It his how they had an illegitmate majority after the 2010 elections and it is their methodology going forward.

The Democrats have a majority in the Senate and the nation should be grateful they do, otherwise, Social Security and Medicare would be destroyed by now as they would have overriden every Presidential veto.  We have witnessed their viciousness toward the American people in Wisconsin and there is no reason to believe differently of any of them.

Speaker Boner is not a leader capable of guiding their illegitmate majority to a reasonable budget this year.  Quote, " negotiating here or disclosing the contents of those private conversations probably is not helpful to OUR goal of cutting spending and keeping the government open...."

I didn't know the USA budget in any venue 'had a goal.'  So the Republican goal is far more important than the lives of the American people and the economy of the country.

Speaker Boner's insistence on a goal speaks loud and clear to his POLITICAL GOAL and not a budget that sustains the people of the USA and their economy.
One of the most important aspects to the 'negotiations' is quote, "...the people in the room actually get along and like each other..."

So, what Boner is saying is that 'He tolerates' the company in these meetings, but, let's face it he isn't changing a damn thing.
How cozy.  That is not much reconciliation to the people facing trouble in their lives because Republicans are using every issue under the sun, OVER THE PAST THREE YEARS, to politic every opportunity including this one.  I don't believe they are 'getting along' at all and every statement to that effect is a blantant lie.  How can people in the room 'get along' if they aren't sincerely trying to achieve the goals of the nation, but, their party.