Thursday, April 07, 2011

In the year 2000, the Clinton Administration was submitting a surplus budget for the THIRD time. This is the "Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget" printed by the Clinton White House that year.

The President.s 2000 budget click title to entry - thank you) promises the third balanced budget of this Administration. With it, the Nation.s fiscal house is in order and we are prepared to meet the challenges of the next century. It continues on the path the President has followed for the past six years of maintaining fiscal discipline and investing wisely in our Nation.s priorities.

It invests in education and training so Americans can make the most of this economy.s opportunities. It invests in health and the environment to improve our quality of life. It invests in our security at home and abroad, strengthens law enforcement and provides our Armed Forces with the resources they
need to safeguard our national interests in the next century.

The President.s budget makes these investments while maintaining the fiscal discipline that allowed the Federal Government to record its first surplus in a generation last year. The budget forecasts that the Government will produce a surplus again this year, and will continue to do so for decades to come. Our success in eliminating the budget deficit proves that we are capable of fulfilling great responsibilities, and there is now every reason for us to rise to the next challenge. The President believes it is now time to work together to save Social Security.

The Budget Surplus disappeared the very year Bush and Cheney took office and it was before the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Nowhere does any budget 'standard' state it can be substituted for legislation.