Saturday, April 16, 2011

The is the latest 'unreality' floating around the internet and people are attracked to it.

That is how I received the 'new' that the UK and the USA and every other "Western" country needs to heed the call of treason.

This is nothing but junk.  If there is a wrongful death in the police system in Dubai then the appropriate State Department and Embassy needs to be noticed.  One of the first things military personnel are taught about their deployment in the Middle East, is that the laws, customs and culture is very, very different than that of their 'homeland.'

This is discriminatory in its context and completely outrageous to believe there will be a 'conversion' of the USA Constitution when there are elections and not a dictatorship that governs the land.

This current POLITICAL FEAR is about as hideous as it comes. 

The laws of the USA were CLEARLY developed to be separate from that of religion.  It is why there is NO method of law that can be adapted to reflect a singular religious preference.

If anyone in the electorate wants to understand why there are clear dividing lines between church and state and why elected representatives should have a separate personal life from their RESPONSIBLITY as a representative, senator or president, this is a PRIME example of poor judgement in the electorate and their ability to be deceived into understanding of their own rights.  Sometimes their hatred is choice as well.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE is necessary in any multi-national country where freedom of choice is required.  I don't approve of Faith Based Funding and I never will.