Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where are the LD50 studies for the Airport Full Body Security Scanner? There is absolutely NO 20 year study.

When are the media and the public going to start using EFFECTIVE language to facilitate discussion about full body scanners?

I believe it is the FDA that tests X-Ray equipment for safe operation to protect consumers.  Where are the reports? 

Every Full Body Scanner OPERATOR / SECURITY OFFICER should be wearing radar badges no different than X-Ray Technicians in any clinical setting.

There is also no reason why FREQUENT Flyers or any consumer that are patients of radiation therapy or have X-Rays recently aren't issued X-Ray badges either at their own discretion and/or by order of their MD.

There is also the issue of 'radiation leaking' in the 'vacinity' of the unit.  It IS a clinical setting, not just a security area where 'pat downs happen.'

What has been completely astounding to me is the willingness of consumers to comply with scanners that are not fully explained to them OR have signed consents no different than consents signed in a clinical setting.

What is occurring is a 20 year study among consumers.  In 20 years from the 'mass' use of these scanners, there will all kinds of information regarding disease processes resulting from their use.  What is "W"rong with people these days?  Is money and movement EVERYTHING?  It should not be.

WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO OSHA AND POSHA?  They need to regulate the operations of these units.