Sunday, November 07, 2010

Ralph Reed and Glen Bolger was recorded by C-Span (click title to entry - thank you)

The Faith and Freedom Coalition released the results of their nationwide survey of participation in the previous day's 2010 midterm elections. The poll, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, covered voter attitudes on major issues and the political parties, President Obama, the tea party movement, and the pro-family movement. Ralph Reed and Glen Bolger responded to questions from members of the press at the National Press Club.

The two gentlemen went on and on about their incredible victory.  They stated the electorate they seek in their canvasing believed in Jesus Christ.  But, it wasn't just that they believe in Jesus Christ, it was that it transended their entire lives in that they were Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Fiscal Conservatives and believed in small government.  Now, I don't know about you, but, I never heard any revelation from Jesus Christ about fiscal conservatism or small government.  For real.  These guys are something.
I hope this coalition is tracked because they were directly responsible for the spending that was noted from the plutocracy.  They stated all their campaigns went well, but, Nevada occurred because of 'the ground game.'  Ralph Reed stated his coalition workers knocked on 72,000 doors in Las Vegas and they were being 'lapped.'  In other words, the Reid campaign volunteers were canvasing in larger numbers than his and he attributed that to the success of Senator and Majority Leader Reid.

Ralph Reed stated the media was cheap to purchase in Nevada.  He stated the 'media game' got to the point where 72% of voters were no longer watching television for the barrage of ads.  He felt the two campaigns neutralized any effect of the media campaign.

Ralph Reed and Glen Bolger believed in every candidate they ran as the best for the country.  Wow.  Sharon Angle has problems working with peers on serious issues, she would have been a disaster in Washington, DC.  

Hearing Ralph Reed and Glen Bolger speak I got a chill down my spine that these men didn't care about the country so much as their own glory no matter the character it took on.  Ruthless doesn't even begin to define this past year's campaign and these are the men responsible.  I can't imagine they are proud of that.  At any rate, I want to examine 'the values' of this coalition and what they really mean.