Sunday, November 07, 2010

Pro-Family is a deceptive term for more bigotry.

...Worldview - A fresh perspective (click title to entry - thank you) on the historical application of Scripture to public policy-making with a deeper look into what the Bible says about current issues....

...This seemed to be true especially among conservative God-fearing legislators and leaders as they faced the particularly difficult issues confronting the family and traditional values....

There is separation of church and state in the USA.  There is also no retribution for practicing a faith.  The entire 'idea' that a coalition has to be organized to support legislators that practice a faith is hideous, UNLESS, that coalition is seeking political favors in return for support of those legislators.

The average Middle Class person is Pro-Family.  They don't like children to be exposed to offensive material.  Oddly however, that offensive material does not include blatant violence.  Children are still exposed to considerable violent content in any given day.  

The Pro-Family Movement that is affiliated with the Evangelical constituency are bigots.  They are seeking legislators that will legislate morality to benefit their churches and their bottom line.  The more people that belong to a faith and attend church the more monies that church and hierarchy have at their disposal.  They are seeking to legislate morality as they practice it and shun diversity in the community.  It is this Pro-Family constituency that overtly hates Muslims and ridicules them whenever possible, scapegoating them for fear mongering.

There isn't a decent American alive that isn't Pro-Family, but, NOT the way the Evangelicals define it.  Don't get caught up in the deception.