Sunday, October 03, 2010

Rand Paul, unlike the Democratic opposition lacks real insight to the responsibility of government.

In his rant, Rand Paul has no answers, simply rhetoric about discretionary spending.  He is typical of every other conservative running for office.

The real answer to the National Deficit is to increase the country's tax base by expanding the Middle Class and allowing small businesses their fair share of the market place. 

The reality is that profound sacrifice by any age group is not necessary.  We simply have to bring back the vibrant Middle Class to balance the federal budget.  It is possible and it is necessary.  But, relyng on Wall Street to do that is the worst folly of all.  Wall Street was bailed and they left the country.  There isn't anything else to say.  The fiscal conservatives have no real answers, but, only rhetoric and empty promises. 

I just can't believe how much they lie.  No conscience.  Just using 'carrot and stick' to win elections.  The American people aren't puppets, but, maybe extremists haven't figured that out yet.  It might be why they are extremists.

...Actual fiscal conservatives acknowledge (click title to entry - thank you) that these steps do not come anywhere close to solving the long-term deficit. By 2035, the deficit (even without counting interest payments on the federal debt) is on course to reach $1.9 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. If you reduced domestic discretionary spending to its share of the economy under Ronald Reagan and then eviscerated it an additional 20 percent, you would shrink the deficit by all of $100 billion. The bulk of the deficit problem instead comes from three popular programs, Medicare, Social Security and the military, and they happen to be the ones the Republican pledge exempts from cuts. But it’s impossible to fix the deficit without making cuts to these programs or raising taxes. To suggest otherwise is to claim that 10 minus 1 equals 5....